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Author's Lecture Schedule
About the Author
Lectures by the Author
Four Lectures on Rational Idealism
Email GeorgeTo schedule any of the following lectures, or
any series of lectures, contact the author.
The Pursuit of Happiness
Very few dispute the idea that the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental source of all our decisions, but among idealists it remains suspect as a selfish motivation. This lecture will present the author’s ideas on what all varieties of the emotion happiness have in common and how to make its pursuit more effective.

Hear KALW's March 2003 Broadcast of The Pursuit of Happiness
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The Patterns of Our Emotions
Our emotions bear the burden of being labeled irrational, but there are very good reasons for each of them. There are clear patterns in the emotions Love, Confidence, Anger and Jealousy, and even though emotions are automatic mental reactions, and so cannot be directly controlled, they do depend on attitudes and desires which can be changed.

Intelligent Desiring
Is desire itself the source of all suffering? Or is it ineffectively conceived desires that are at fault? Understanding the quality of our desires, and their correlation with the quality of our emotions, leads to practical knowledge about how to desire intelligently, and how to undermine the habitually ineffective pursuit of desires which are impossible to fulfill.

The Inherent Justice of Life
Life isn’t fair. That much is clear. But can it ever become fair if rewards and punishments are eventually disbursed by an omniscient judge? Or are all our theories of justice just overly materialistic attempts to describe the direct correlation between the quality of our desires and the quality of our happiness.

Lectures by the Author on:

Rational Idealism
Our Emotions
Theoretical Physics
Political Philosophy
The Sources of Deception

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